The Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand houses two extensive libaries, which are accessible to both the faculty and student body, as well as to the community at large.

The Boruch Baker Library

The Boruch Baker Library is primarily a reference collection of Hebrew, Yiddish and Aramaic religious texts. With a collection of over 3,000 volumes, the library is an indispensable asset of the College, and a vital tool in advancing the quality of student research and output. The volumes in this library are generally not available for loan.

The Moshe and Leah Kagan Torah Lending Library

The Torah Lending Library includes English books covering nearly every area of Jewish study: Halacha, philospohy, history, biographies, stories, mysticism and translations of the Bible, Talmud and other Hebrew sources. The library also contains a collection of Yiddish and Russian books, for the benefit of those more familiar with these languages.

At present, the Torah Lending Library contains over one thousand volumes. Books are continually being acquired, especially should a borrower require a volume not yet contained within the library.

The Torah Lending Library has recently upgraded its audio collection, with all recordings accessible in MP3 format. A number of these recordings include learning aids for Talmud study.

The Torah Lending Library is open to members of the community of all ages, and all are welcome to borrow. Please contact the office for further details.

Library Donations

Donations to the Rabbinical College Library Fund are tax-deductible, and are an excellent way to honour a person or commemorate a special occasion.