
YG Builds for the Future - $1 Million Charidy Campaign Success

Sunday, 7 April, 2019 - 12:00 am

Established in 1966, the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand (Yeshivah Gedolah) is Australia’s first and largest fully residential institute of tertiary Jewish studies. It caters for both Australian and international students. Its graduates are found in all areas of professions, industry and commerce, education, the Rabbinate and outreach work, serving communities in Australia, interstate and overseas.

Today, Yeshiva Gedolah (YG) launched its most ambitious project yet – a major extension and redevelopment of its Alexandra Street campus. The first stage of the plans include the extension of the Study Hall (known as the Zal), new staff offices, five new bedrooms to accommodate fifteen students, and restoration of the Dining Room to its original grand size. The second stage will be a 50 bed dormitory, and a basement which will include a mikvah and gym.

We are profoundly grateful to all who contributed during our Charidy campaign on Sunday 7th April 2019 (2nd Nissan). Through your generosity, and the help of our matchers, $1,014,158 was raised in 27 hours for the Rabbinical College of Australia & NZ (Yeshivah Gedolah - YG) in Melbourne. Your gifts will enable us to build the first stage of a world-class facility for our college.

Alumni, parents and friends of Yeshivah Gedolah all over the world responded enthusiastically during the campaign, showing their appreciation and support for the institution which has given so much for more than 50 years. The campaign target was reached a few minutes before the deadline amidst a state of euphoria, dancing and celebration by the dedicated callers at the college. 

The campaign created much interest both here and overseas. A few statistics: 
Donors 1,110
Charidy page visits - 16,493
Users on Monday at 2.45pm - 734
Campaign video on YouTube - 3,183 views
Alumni videos on YouTube - 2,853 views

Thanks to you, Yeshivah Gedolah will be able to house more students, and continue to give bochurim from Australia and around the world a Torah education that will serve them for life.
We couldn’t have done it without you. 

Thank you for your generous support!

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