
Besuras HaGeulah: The Tidings of Redemption

Tuesday, 1 March, 2011 - 1:06 am


The world is advancing at a dizzying pace; more change is achieved in a single year than in entire centuries of times gone by. Deciphering current events is often confusing, but the Lubavitcher Rebbe envisioned the signs of our times as pointing to only one outcome: The imminent redemption.

The Rebbe’s talks in the early 90’s emphasized the special times that we live in, and the special responsibility we bear as a result.

The Shluchim at Yeshiva Gedolah encourage the students to familiarize themselves with the Rebbe’s talks on the subject. Several booklets containing these talks have been published in both Hebrew and English, replete with related pictures, diagrams and exercises.

The students study the material in small groups, and successful graduates of the program receive the book “Besuras HaGeulah” in pocket size form, and are also entered into a raffle for travel to Lubavitch World Headquarters, in Crown Heights (New York, USA).

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