The Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand (Yeshivah Gedolah – Melbourne) hosted a communal Kinus Torah on Tuesday the eighth of Sivan (May 29, 2012). The Kinus was convened in conjunction with Shavuos, as per the Rebbe’s directive that a Kinus be held on, or immediately after, each Yom Tov.
The Kinus was coordinated and chaired by Shliach Yisroel Ohana, and began with an in-depth analysis of a Ma’amar (Chassidic discourse), delivered by Shliach Menachem Mendel Begun. Rabbi Zvi Telsner (Yeshivah Centre) focussed on the story of Megillas Rus, and his talk included an expanded discussion regarding the processes of Geirus (conversion) and the method of acquisition known as Challifin. Next, Menachem Aron (student at Mesivtah) delivered a Shiur on the first page of Kiddushin.
Rabbi Yonasan Johnson (Kollel Menachem) explained and defined the approach of the Alter Rebbe regarding the Laws of Borer (selection) on Yom Tov. He was followed by Yosef Aron (student at Yeshivah Gedolah) who provided the reasons for a number of Minhagim (customs) practiced each Motzei Shabbos.
Finally, Rabbi Mottel Krasnjanski (Ohr Chadash – Caulfield Shul) delivered an intricate discourse on the intent of the first Rashi in Kiddushin.Rabbi Krasnjanski elucidated Rashi’s perspective on the mechanisms of ownership and Kinyanim (methods of acquisition) in general, and how they differ within the framework of marriage.
The event featured a large and diverse crowd, who thoroughly enjoyed the wide variety of subjects addressed at this year’s Kinus.
Photo Credits: Dovi Straiton