
News & Developments

See our blog for the latest news and developments occurring at Yeshivah Gedolah.

From the Desk of Rabbi Cohen


It is exactly one year since Australia, together with the rest of the world, received its first taste of COVID-19, thus entering new and uncharted territory. Most people’s lives were significantly disrupted by a range of restrictions and precautions, many of which are still with us. No-one is certain as to how long all this will last.

The Jewish world has been similarly shaken. Shuls were closed for months on end. Schools and yeshivos found themselves unable to function in their normal manner. Celebrations, and the opposite, have been majorly curtailed. COVID-19 has effectively ensured that the lives of individuals and communities have been turned upside down. We are fairly certain that we will be paying, in many senses, the price for all of this for a long while.

In the midst of this turmoil, we are happy to report that Yeshivah Gedolah continues to function (almost) as normal.

As a result of the initial fears and uncertainty of one year ago almost all of our overseas students returned back home. The subsequent closing of Australia’s borders has inevitably led to a sharp reduction in the size of our student body and a corresponding loss of income. However, despite all of this, the Yeshivah continues as before.

Throughout the past year we have continued to provide the same strength and inspiration to our Talmidim as during pre-COVID-19 times. For the last few months learning and davening have been completely unaffected and the voice of Torah resonates loud and clear. Mivtzoim (Mitzvah Campaigns) are once again functioning at full strength, and warmth and enthusiasm have dispelled doubts and misgivings.

If every cloud has a silver lining, ours has been that which we have been able to assist Talmidim of various backgrounds, who have due to COVID-19 been unable to travel to their overseas Yeshivos, to maintain organised learning in Yeshivah Gedolah. We have opened our doors and done our best to accommodate them with shiurim and chavrusos. From its very inception, one of Yeshivah Gedolah’s roles has been to encourage even part-time students to participate in our programmes. This extra degree of community service is a win-win situation. The Yeshivah is happy to host more learning, while those who avail themselves of its facilities and environment are obviously benefiting.

As mentioned above, the inevitable reduction in the number of overseas students is financially challenging for the Moisad. Please help us to help all those who benefit in one way or another from Yeshivah Gedolah and its activities. We aim to provide a sound, advanced Torah education to all of our students, and to spread a love for Torah learning and the observance of Mitzvos to all levels of the Jewish community.

Thanking you in advance,


Rabbi Binyomin Cohen
Rosh Yeshivah 

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