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Remembering Reuven (Ron) Tatarka ע"ה

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

A function to commemorate the first yahrzeit of Reuven (Ron) Tatarka’s passing was held at Yeshivah Gedolah on Wednesday evening 26th December 2018.

A wide cross-section of Melbourne’s Jewish community, together with family and friends, attended the evening.

The program commenced with mincha followed by an address to the crowd by Rabbi Shmuel Lesches, who spoke on the week’s parsha Shemos and lessons we can learn from Moshe Rabeinu and how they were emulated and exemplified by Reuven - caring enough to go out of his way to notice things that need to be addressed, caring about why others are doing nothing, and caring enough to do something when no one else will.

Rabbi Binyomin Cohen recalled Reuven’s parents who on arriving in Australia after the war, prioritised Jewish education for their children. Rabbi Sholom Ber Engel made a siyum and Rabbi Shmuel Gurewicz chaired the evening and referred to Reuven as a “genius” in giving tzedoko, always looking for ways how to give and people and causes to give to. Refreshments were enjoyed after maariv.

Reuven regarded Yeshivah Gedolah as his baby. He became a member of Yeshivah Gedolah’s Executive in 2003, a role he served with dedication for 15 years. He was one of the pillars of its supporters. Besides donating generously to the Annual Appeal, he sponsored many projects, often on his own initiative, which he felt were important to improve the college’s facilities. His concern and eagerness to get things done were exemplary. He took a keen interest in Yeshivah Gedolah’s management and future development and was always available whenever he was called upon by staff or students.


The Rabbinical College is eternally grateful for Reuven’s tireless efforts on its behalf. May this zechus stand in his and his family’s good stead. He will always be remembered by those who had the privilege of knowing him. May his memory be blessed.

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Reuven Tatarka Memorial

Historic Menorah Parade Lights Melbourne

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

On Thursday, 5th night of Chanukah, Melbourne, Australia had its annual Chanukah Parade, organised by the Rabbinical College of Australia and NZ.

One of the largest ever in the city’s history, over 80 participating vehicles paraded through the streets of Melbourne to publicize the miracle of Chanukah. For some, this Chanukah parade is a highlight of the year. Announced weeks in advance, the annual parade brings light, inspiration and encouragement to all who witness it.

The program began with a Menorah lighting and children’s rally at the Caulfield Racecourse. The rally included a story relating to the power of Chanukah told by Rabbi Mordechai Szmerling, who had the children enthralled, followed by the recital of pesukim and giving of tzedaka (charity). Entertainment was provided by a Grand Bubble Show.

“These Chabad guys are so kind, it’s unbelievable!” children from the local Mount Scopus school were heard saying as they left the rally, inspired by the community coming together to fulfill the Rebbe’s grand mission of spreading light amongst the darkness.

As the rally ended, the parade began. A procession of cars bearing menorahs drove out onto the streets, playing Chanukah music. The Yids on Wheels Motorbike group, a stretch Hummer, various luxury cars, and a party bus, intensified the cheerful atmosphere that surrounded the parade. Onlookers marvelled at the sight, with many taking to the sidewalks to witness the event. At certain points, not being able to control the spiritual energy building up, spontaneous dancing broke out. Onlookers gathered and cheered in the streets, overjoyed with the incredible sight.

Credit goes to the amazing bochurim and shluchim of Yeshivah Gedolah, who put in weeks of effort to ensure that the parade was as smooth and successful as possible, making sure that every detail was looked after, and that everyone attending had a memorable experience. A special thank you to the sponsors for making the parade possible. A huge thanks to everyone who attended and came together to help spread the miracle of Chanukah and to bring Moshiach now!

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

Chanukah Parade YG Melbourne 5779 2018

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