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Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

This past Sunday evening, groups of businessmen gathered to thank the Bochurim of Yeshivah Gedolah of Melbourne, who regularly visit them on Mivtzoim. The evening was scheduled for the day after Gimmel Tammuz in order to honour and pay tribute to the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

The evening was coordinated and chaired by Shliach Motti Rubin (director of Mivtzoim – Outreach Australia). The program began with a light buffet and exchanging of Lchaims, while warm Chassidishe Niggunim playing in the background.

Rabbi Moshe Kahn (director of Chabad Youth) opened the formal part of the evening by sharing several amazing stories that happened to him in his youth, and which led him to dedicate his life to the Rebbe's mission of Shlichus. He described the manner in which he lives with the Rebbe, and spoke of the Rebbe's global impact.

Representing the businessmen and professionals that are visited on Mivtzoim, Dr. Jack Saks spoke of how he values and appreciates the weekly visits. “Mivtzoim is unique in that it is the only Jewish program that comes to your own turf, to your own workplace, and brings a little truth and G‑­dliness into your mundane life. Even though my clinic is very busy, I make sure to create an island of time when the boys visit. My secretaries know that no matter how many people are waiting, the boys are to be let right through. We lay Tefillin and share words of Torah each week.”

Akiva Vallins, representing the Bochurim, spoke beautifully regarding what the Rebbe seeks to achieve through Mivtzoim – adding one Mitzvah at a time in order to bring Moshiach. He related some interesting stories from his own Mivtzoim route, and how he is personally inspired each time his “clients” commit to increasing their Mitzvah observance.

After an array of desserts and fruit, a special video presentation followed, including clips of Mivtzoim encounters as well as a powerful depiction of the Rebbe and the influence of his world view.

At the conclusion of this inspiring evening, a new program was launched. "Chavrusa Program" is a great opportunity designed to allow its participants to explore and discover any part of the Torah or Jewish Tradition in a one-on-one setting, be it over the phone, via skype, or in person. The launch was the perfect way to channel the evening’s inspiration into practical commitment.

All in all, the Bochurim and their Mivtzoim friends enjoyed spending quality time together. The event was a big Kiddush Hashem, one which will certainly bring closer the imminent Geulah with Moshiach now!

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Yeshivah Gedolah Mivtzoim Evening of Inspiration

Kinus Torah 5775

The Rabbinical College of Australia and New Zealand (Yeshivah Gedolah – Melbourne) hosted a community Kinus Torah on Sunday the 13th of Sivan (May 31, 2015). The Kinus was convened in conjunction with Shavuos, as per the Rebbe’s directive that a Kinus be held on, or after, each Yom Tov.

The Kinus was coordinated & chaired by Shliach Motti Rubin. The program began with an in-depth analysis of a Sicha regarding the exact definition of the Torah studies of a child, delivered by Shliach Mendel Shuchat. This theme was further elaborated by Rabbi Binyomin Cohen (Rosh Yeshivah) with a Pilpul on the words of the Rambam elucidated with a Biur from the Rebbe.

Rabbi Mottel Krasnjanski (Ohr Chadash – Caulfield Shul) delivered an intricate Halachic discourse on the topic of whether a Mitztaer (someone in pain) is still obligated to perform Mitzvos.

Rabbi Moshe Donenbaum (Heichal Hatorah and Rosh Yeshivah – B'tzail HaChochmah) presented a detailed overview investigating the rights that an agent or proxy may have to transactional bonuses.

Dayan Katz (Adass Yisroel and Rosh Kollel Bais Yosef) spoke about the great enthusiasm with which one must learn Torah and perform Mitzvos, and he also enumerated the advantages of not utilizing a city-wide Eruv.

Rabbi Zvi Telsner (Yeshivah Centre) focused on the reasons and sources for making Kiddush on Yom-Tov.

Rabbi Yonasan Johnson (Rosh Kollel Menachem Lubavitch) analysed the Alter Rebbe’s unique opinion regarding tying a knot on Shabbos.

The Rabbonim were followed by a number of students who spoke clearly and succinctly. Berel Groner (Yeshivah-Gedolah) elaborated on a Sugya in Masechta Gittin, Yosef Shmuel Greenbaum (Mesivtah) discussed the various customs of the congregation’s response to the recitation of Kaddish, and Yaakov Smukler (Yeshivas Ohalai Yosef Yitzchok Lubavitch - Yeshivah College) examined the efficacy of Geirus when there is no Beis Hamikdash.

A large and diverse crowd attended and they thoroughly enjoyed the wide variety of subjects addressed at this year’s Kinus.

We would like to thank the many Bochrim and Shluchim who made the Kinus a true Kiddush Hashem and Kiddush Shem Lubavitch.

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

Kinus Torah 5775 2015 - Rabbinical College of Australia 

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