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Siyum HaRambam 5771


In 5744 (1984), the Lubavitcher Rebbe initiated the daily study of the Rambam’s Mishneh Torah (Maimonides' compendium of Jewish law). The Mishneh Torah is unique in that it is the only code which encompasses the entire spectrum of Jewish Law, including many laws that apply only during the times of the Beis Hamkidosh (the Holy Temple), and which will again be pertinent during the Messianic Era.

In honour of the completion of the 29th cycle of Rambam, the Yeshivah Gedolah recently hosted a Siyum HaRambam celebration, which was attended by students of the Yeshivah Gedolah, Mesivtah, Heichal Menachem – Machon Chaim and members of the community.

The evening was chaired by Moshe Wolvovsky (Shliach at the Yeshivah Gedolah), and the event opened with a video presentation regarding the relevance and importance of learning Rambam. Yossi Bassman (student at Heichal Menachem – Machon Chaim) then discussed why the Rambam did not include any explanations in his compendium of Jewish Law, and the significance in studying his works.

Moshe Winner (student at Yeshivah Gedolah) performed the Siyum of the 29th cycle of the Rambam. This was followed by spontaneous song and dance, in celebration of the Siyum.

Osher Kluwgant (student at Mesivtah) began the 30th cycle of the Rambam and explained the significance of the Posuk (verse) which the Rambam chose to base his work on. The keynote speaker, Rabbi Shimon Cowen, explained the respective opinions of the Rambam and the Ramban concerning the Messianic age, and regarding the seven Noahide Laws. The event concluded with Benching, led by the Rosh Yeshivah, Rabbi Binyomin Cohen.









Packing Matzah

In the weeks prior to Pesach, the students of the Rabbinical College devoted much of their free time to packaging and distributing thousands of hand-baked Shmurah Matzos.











Purim Day - 5771


Purim 5771 was celebrated on Sunday, March 20, 2011. The students of the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand brought the joy of Purim to a wide variety of businesses, eateries, residencies, hospitals, old age homes, markets, schools, childcare centres and prisons. They also assisted and participated in various events conducted by local synagogues, Chabad Houses and community organizations. Aside from hearing Megillah, the commandments of Purim include Mishloach Manos (gifts of food), Matanos L'evyonim (giving charity), and participating in a joyous feast.

A tally of the students’ efforts yielded the following results:
Number of Mishloach Manos packages delivered on Purim: 363
Number of Mishloach Manos packages delivered before Purim: 500
Number of Megillah readings: 76
Number of Attendees at these Megillah readings: 367
Number of people who fulfilled Matanos L’evyonim: 260
Number of people who donned Tfillin: 136
Number of people who were informed of the Sheva Mitzvos (7 Noachide Laws): 12
Number of people who partook in an involved Torah discussion: 30

Pictured below is a small sampling of their activities. [Please click here for one student’s account of his Purim activities, and here for pictures of the students packing Mishloach Manos.]






Purim Night - 5771

Purim 5771 was celebrated on Sunday, March 20 2011. The students of the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand conducted and participated in many community events, locally and interstate. You can read a full summary of their activities here.

Yisroel Halon recounts his experience reading the Megillah at the Purim Party of Young-UIA, at the MCG. You can read about it, and view pictures, below:

It was Shabbos, the day before Purim. I was at the Yeshivah Centre, when someone came over to me and asked for help. He told me that a Purim party had been arranged at the Melbourne Cricket Ground, but he had missed out a “small” detail – arranging for someone to read the Megillah. Of course, I was more than glad to assist. A time was arranged for someone to come and pick me up that night at Yeshivah Gedolah.

Sure enough, at the appointed hour, two young men arrived at Yeshivah Gedolah. I asked them to make a detour along the way, so that I could borrow a Megillah – just in case there wouldn’t be one available at the Purim Party! 

For the duration of the ride, I spoke to these two young men about Judaism. They were not very familiar with the significance of the festival of Purim! At that point, I realized that I needed to deliver a brief and basic rundown of Purim at this party. For the rest of the ride, I explained the story of Purim to these two young men, and its significance in our daily lives.

When we arrived at our destination, the organizers were happy to see us. I asked them whether a Megillah had been prepared. One of the organizers proudly showed me the copies that he had downloaded from chabad.org. I smiled and explained that although those copies were perfectly suitable for the listeners to follow along, nevertheless, the actual Megillah reader needed to read it from a scroll. Luckily, I had brought along a Megillah, which I showed the organisers.

We waited until about thirty people had gathered, and the Megillah reading was shortly underway. Afterwards, many of the participants came over to thank me for attending, as they otherwise would not have heard the Megillah. Some told me that it was the first time in their life that they heard the Megillah.

Shortly after the conclusion of the first Megillah reading, we began a second round, for the sake of those who did not make it on time for the first reading.

On the way back to Yeshivah Gedolah, my driver mentioned that he would be making a Purim party at his house the next day, but he did not have any Torah thoughts to relay. I shared with him a beautiful Sicha (talk of the Rebbe). He really enjoyed it, and looked forward to repeating it at his party.

A few days later, one of the event organizers paid a visit to Yeshivah Gedolah, in order to thank me for my assistance, and to present me with a certificate as a token of their appreciation. See photos below.



Packing Mishloach Manos

In  the weeks prior to Purim 5771, the students of the Rabbinical College devoted much of their free time to preparing thousands of Mishloach Manos packages for distribution within the community. The Mishloach Manos was packaged inside a unique and newly designed Pushka (charity box), pictured below. [See here for a full report of Purim 5771 activities.]














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