
News & Developments

See our blog for the latest news and developments occurring at Yeshivah Gedolah.


Bal Peh


Left to right: Levi Brown, Menachem Mendel Gutnick, Chaim Pinczower, Zalman Szmerling.

At the Rabbinical College of Australia & NZ, the study cycle of Gemoro L’Iyun (Talmud in depth) spans eight years, with a different Masechta (tractate) studied each year. The Gemoro curriculum places much emphasis on the thorough analysis of the text, and about 20 Blatt (folios) are learned over the course of the year, with the commentaries of Rashi and Tosfos. The end of 5771 marked the conclusion of Masechta Pesachim, which deals primarily with the laws of Passover.

In addition to the standard curriculum, the Rabbinical College offers an elective “Limud Bal Peh” (learning by heart) program, aimed at encouraging our advanced students to learn and memorize large sections of the Talmud. The rules of the program are designed to achieve two important goals. Firstly, participants study the material without utilizing any study aids, thus honing their academic self-sufficiency. Secondly, the students memorize the material thoroughly, ensuring that they retain their newly-acquired knowledge. The progress of all participants is closely monitored, in order to ensure that all targeted goals are being met, without impairing their performance in other areas of the curriculum.

This past year, three of our students learned large sections of Masechta Pesachim by heart, which they recited in increments of approximately three Blatt: Chaim Pinczower learned 86 Blatt, Menachem Mendel Gutnick (Sydney) learned 63 Blatt, and Zalman Szmerling learned 63 Blatt. Additionally, Levi Brown distinguished himself by memorizing and reciting over 50 pages of Maamorim (Chassidic discourses) by heart. The Rabbinical College takes great pride in their accomplishments, and presented each student with a non-cash award, to be used towards the purchase of Seforim.

The success of last year’s program has motivated many more students to participate in the “Limud Bal Peh” program. At present, eight of our advanced students have begun learning and memorizing Masechta Kiddushin, the tractate which is currently being studied at the Rabbinical College. Masechta Kiddushin deals primarily with the laws of the first stage of a Jewish marriage, and also defines the various modes and aspects of Kinyanim (legal process of acquisition) in general. Their progress can be viewed here.

We thank our donors for generously contributing towards these awards. Please contact us to obtain further information about this project, or for sponsorship opportunities.

Upgrade to Building Facilities

The Hanholo office was recently renovated in order to accommodate the increasing number of academic staff.

The office interior was expanded, and the office furniture and facilities were upgraded. Construction was carried out during the month of Tishrei, in order to minimize any disruptions to the academic schedule. We thank the generous sponsors of this important project.

New Shluchim arrive in Melbourne


Today, Melbourne welcomed its newest group of student Shluchim to the Rabbinical College of Australia & NZ (Yeshivah Gedolah of Melbourne).

Shortly before the arrival of the new Shluchim, all Bochurim of the Yeshivah boarded a bus for the forty-five minute drive to Melbourne’s Tullamarine International Airport, in order to personally greet the Shluchim. When the Shluchim appeared, the airport arrivals hall filled with song as the Shluchim and Bochurim broke out into a dance.  One of the Shluchim then delivered a short speech to the hundreds of people at the airport, explaining their significance as emissaries of the Rebbe.

Notwithstanding the long flight from New York to Melbourne, the new Shluchim showed no sign of fatigue, but immediately joined the Yeshivah schedule. At the conclusion of the evening Seder Chassidus, the Shluchim still did not rest, but instead participated in a staff meeting of CGI Melbourne summer camp, which begins in six weeks.

The names of the new Shluchim are Moshe Aharon Backman, Avrohom Engel, Menachem Mendel Lieberman, Israel Ohana, Shneor Zalman Ossowiecki and Shmuel Slonim. They join the second-year Shluchim, Levi Liberow, Shimon Dubinsky, Menachem Mendel Begun, Hirschel Gourarie, Shmuel Lipskier and Menachem Mendel Polter.

The Shluchim play a pivotal role in Yeshivah Gedolah, and in the community at large. We wish them much success in their Shlichus.

Photo Credits: Dovi Straiton






















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